PREPARE for Impact

AnyBODY in?

I’ve decided to move forward with my intense interest in self defense. As a coach, I am incredibly curious how it will empower me to inspire others to take responsibility for themselves and their voice. As a woman in this very unstable and unsafe world, I am looking to empower myself to stand up to bigotry, racism and violence with strength, stability, poise and voice. 

One concept from this summer’s course in self defense continues to vibrant and echo throughout my being. Our instructor said during our first session that in the moment of being attacked: “Forget about being NICE. There is no being nice in this situation.” 

Wow. For me, not being nice is a reach waaaayyy out of my comfort zone. And he is right. There is no room for Nice when my life depends on it. It is the moment for strength, voice, stability and power. At the beginning of each sessions, we repeated in full voice:

I have the right to defend my self.

I have the ability to defend my self.

I will defend my self.

Thought each session, every counter action to being attacked was accompanied by a strong, solid: “NO!” 

And yes, they turned off the lights and attacked us from behind. We responded in full body and voice. There were 25 women in that room in their full power and full VOICE. It was creepy and definitely upped my anxiety level, and yet, after the initial shock, I found my ability to respond. 


How many times have I asked you to use your voice in class? How many times have you shy-ed away from using your voice? How many times have you given up your right to express yourself verbally because it is easier not to? If you can’t use your voice in the safe and secure studio of ZenSpace, how will you ever use your voice when your are not safe? 


I invite you to attend an introductory workshop with me on Wednesday, August 27, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, which will be given by Prepare at Grace Church in NYC. The cost is $50. I am going as a student to continue learning and to check out the organization. I’ve never done any coursework with them; however, interestingly enough, I wrote an article about their parent organization — IMPACT — 25 years ago when I was a journalism student at Northwestern. I was intrigued then, and I am still intrigued now.

If you would like to join me, please register below and let me know you are IN.

Please remember that there is No pressure ever from me for you to participate. My classes and my coaching live in a space of non-judgement. This is your choice. If you want to come and can work with the date, I will be so happy to have the company.

All my love,
