A New Week!

Good Monday Morning!

Who is ready for a dance party? I am looking out the window of BWE cafe thinking…ME! I gotta dance some sunshine into my soul today. 

Tonight, I am staying after class to try out the 7:30 Floor Barre class with Voula. I’ve never taken the class and have always wanted to. Stay with me and experience better alignment and strengthening. I’m in!

Here’s the scoop. We are learning from our schedule and continuing to consolidate classes. My official new schedule at ZenSpace is:

Monday, 6 pm - 7 pm

Friday, 9 am - 10 am

Saturday, 11:15 am - 12:15

As much as I love teaching more classes, I know that the energy is soooo delicious when we are a full room. So instead of spreading us thin, I’m consolidating and loving the influx of students — new and seasoned. Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays seem to be where it is at!

Purchased! I bought my tickets for the April 28th performance of Kristen Mangione’s Dance Company. Kristen is the owner of ZenSpace and has just created a dance company in residence at ZenSpace. Come to the performance at Miles Square Theater and then to dinner after. Bring friends and/or significant others. The early bird rate is $20 through Friday. After that, tickets are $30. (Student/Senior prices are $15/ticket.) Just let me know if you will join us post performance and I’ll make sure we have a space to gather nearby...http://www.zentouch.org/performances 

See you in movement!


Doin' A Little Celebration Dance Over Here

Hey, Hey!

That’s right! I am a dancin’ over here! My feet are all a pitter, patter and my tummy is tickled! 

It was a L-O-N-G, lonely winter. Alas. Yes, we were a few holding the flame of movement for many. And suddenly, the skies (literally) broke wide open and so did our classes. I am so, so happy to say that we are filling ZenSpace with movers especially on Monday nights. I’m shifting and changing to serve your movement and music desires. I love seeing all of you practicing self care by making movement and Nia a part of your week. I am particularly drawn to creating a sustainable practice for every BODY by inviting movement variety. Come with beginner’s mind to honor your body where you are now and launch into a heightened state of awareness and conditioning. 

I invite you to come — to have fun, to get your sweat on, to shake off what ales you and to hang with some of the nicest, more wonderful people I know. A bunch of us went to dinner post class last Monday. I loved seeing everyone around the table, energized from their class experience and glowing. YES! Our next outing will be on April 28th, to see Kristen Mangione’s ZenSpace Dance Troupe in Residence at Miles Square Theater. We will see the performance and then go out after!  Please check it out and let me know if you will join us: http://www.zentouch.org/performances I will make a reservation for us for dinner when I know numbers. Spouses, partners & friends are encouraged to join us. 


This week’s schedule at ZenSpace:

Monday Night Dance Party, 6 - 7 pm (please register on mindbody in advance!)

Wednesday Nia Dance Workout (Lunch Xpress), 12:15 - 1 pm

Friday, Nia Dance Workout, 9 - 10 am


There will be no Nia Dance Workout on Saturday as I will be at a very special Bar Mitzvah. INSTEAD! Check out Tam’s Yoga Class from 10 - 11 am and Kristen’s Meditation Class from 11:15 - 12. I encourage you to venture into a powerful movement variety mix for your body, mind and spirit.

Love to You All,


A Full Week!

I am back and done with all of my trainings for a good while. I added in way too many trips and trainings, and although the learning was good, the pace was way too fast and furious. Time to slow down and sink into my center. In this space, I can let the learning bubble up and seep into my being. 

Join me this week, for a full range of Nia-Inspired Dance classes and parties as well as a special event on Thursday night! I am inviting you to step into a more aware, freer and fulfilled side of yourself. With simplified choreography and tunes you want to dance to, you will get what you want out of these class experiences — conditioning and release.

Classes this Week: (all at ZenSpace!)

TONIGHT, 6 pm, Monday Night Dance Party

Wednesday, 12:15 - 1 pm, Nia Dance Workout

THURSDAY Night Special Event, 7:15 - 8:30 pm, #BeBoldforChange Dance Party! A Celebration of International Women’s Day

Friday, 9 - 10 am, Nia Dance Workout

Saturday, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm, Nia Dance Workout

On Thursday evening, I’m offering a Celebration of International Women’s Day

This year's theme is Be Bold for Change.

“Call on the masses or call on yourself to help forge a better working world - a more, inclusive gender equal world. Each one of us — with women, men and non-binary people joining forces — can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking bold pragmatic action to accelerate gender parity. Through purposeful collaboration we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential offered to economies the world over.”


I’m calling on YOU to sense your body and your spirit in dance, to experience music that motivates, and to step into the space of movement. Movement in your body creates movement in every aspect of you and your life.




Hi All!

This email is CHOCK A BLOCK with announcements, happenings and invitations. Please read through it ;)  

Nia Dance Schedule & A Shift in Classes

Here it is! The final dance/movement schedule moving forward - All at Zen Space Studios!

Mondays - Monday Night Dance Party - 6 - 7 pm (Beginning March 6)

Wednesdays - Nia LunchXpress Workout - 12:15 - 1 pm

Fridays - Nia Dance Workout - 9 - 10 am

Saturdays - Nia Dance Workout - 11:15 - 12:15

You will see some shifts in the names of classes and in the content. I am moving into a simpler, more basic choreography. We are emphasizing getting into dance and movement with all sorts of music. You will LOVE the direction we are going. Movement is transformational. Dance is freedom. COME!

This coming Friday, March 3rd, is the last class I plan on missing for a while. (I have been training, training, training!!) Kristen will step in as substitute with a Floore Barre class. Please come and try it out!!

Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® Technique benefits anyone with a desire for better alignment and strengthening the body. Done entirely on the floor and adapting principles from ballet technique, Rommett Floor-Barre builds core strength while simultaneously using one’s own body to lengthen the muscles, achieve better balance and improve postur. It is also effective and safe for relieving issues such as lower back pain, tight hamstrings and rehabilitating injuries.

In this class participants learn to become more connected with their bodies, find more ease with movement, and increase their flexibility, all without risking further injury with this comfortable, non invasive approach. 

Shout Out!!! I would like to send a special thank you to Celebrate Life Studios for hosting the Monday night Nia class this year. Susan has created a beautiful community space and I will continue to support her in her business by attending events, offering workshops and talking up her space. I invite you to as well!


Monday Night Dance Party & Bday Dinner

I am so excited to offer a Monday Night Dance Party at Zen Space beginning on March 6. Every week, we will dance, move and groove to all those tunes you used to dance to and all those tunes you wish you could dance to! I’ll take any music suggestions and make the movement simple and fun. 

To kick it off — Many of my Monday night students have had birthdays in the last few months. I am always looking for a great excuse to get together as a community. Celebrate! So…on Monday, March 13, come with me and the gang for a Monday Night Dance & Dinner Party. First we dance from 6 - 7 at Zen Space. Then, we go somewhere local for food, fun and friendship. And if you want the community and can’t make it to class, come for the after party!! You are most welcome.

Intro to Dance/Movement - Drop In

So many of you have expressed interest in this upcoming series. We have heard that committing to all 5 weeks is challenging so we are extending a drop-in option. The advantage to joining the series? One FREE month of classes at Zen Space post series! Either way, step in and find your freedom in movement!

ZenSpace Dance Company Premiere in Hoboken

Celebrate dance and ZenSpace with me on Friday, April 28!! First, here’s a note from Kristen Mangione, ZenSpace owner:
I am writing with great excitement to invite you to the premiere of our new dance company in residence at ZenSpace! Its creation is a culmination years in the making, and a coming full circle in ZenSpace’ s journey.

ZenSpace, in its infancy as my private shiatsu practice, was initially started as my “day job” - to support myself as a working dance artist and choreographer in New York City. I would have never dreamed that over a decade later, it would shift, massively transform, expand and become my artistic as well as professional home.

The Company premiere will take place with two performances, on Fri 4/28 & Sat 4/29 at 8pm at the Mile Square Theatre in uptown Hoboken (see info).

Early Bird Tickets are now on sale (see info)

More about the Company (see info)

My dream is of a reality where dance, community and transformation come together.

As part of our community, I humbly and gratefully ask you to join us for this moment where it happens.

I am so excited to attend this performance and would love for you and yours to join me. Let’s make it a night with performance and drinks/food after. Let me know that you are coming with and I will set it all up!

Veterans Yoga Project

My good friends are hosting the third annual Veterans Yoga Project on Sunday, March 12. I will be there with hubby in tow!

You will have the opportunity to experience a yoga class taught by three veterans who have become teachers through the Veterans Yoga Project.  All three currently teach classes for veterans. The Veterans Yoga Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization on a mission to support recovery and resilience among veterans, their families, and our communities.  They do this by providing classes, training and healing retreats.  The fundraising events raise awareness of the challenges that many veterans face, and allow communities to support in a tangible way, the men and women who have protected and served the rest of us.  

I promised CHOCK A BLOCK! I gave you chock a block!

With Love,



In Gratitude

My Movement Peops…

I must admit that I have never been so aware of the positive affect of Nia on my existence. Or so very, very grateful for this movement practice and how it conditions and heals me. 

As I move through December and into the holidays, I have made a conscious choice to continue teaching ALL of my classes through the New Year. No cancellations. No reasons to fall off. No reason to stop moving my body. Simply, I am choosing to maintain my practice. I know it is good for me in body, mind, emotion & spirit. And so do my students. In fact, one of them is off for the holidays and staying in town. She is going to make this her Nia-cation…her Nia Vacation. She is coming to ALL my classes for the next two weeks. So fun for me and she;) !

What will you do to make a Nia-cation for yourself? How about, come to class! Or, if you are out of town or unable to get away, put on your favorite tune and dance. It works.

Here’s the schedule…

And, for those of you who may be interested or know someone who may be interested, here is a little teaser… coming in January…

DARE TO TRANSFORM! an affordable group coaching series every other Wednesday evening, mid-January - March

What will you do to make your resolution come true?

I wish each and everyone of you a beautiful holiday season.


This sh*t works

Hey, Hey All!

Let’s make this quick and fabulous.

Next Sunday, Dec. 4, from 6 to 7:30 pm at Zen Space, we are going to:

Debunk our Saboteurs

Spend an hour (+.5) regaining your power! 

You know that voice in your headYes, THAT one. 

It's the one that stops you from moving forward and getting what you truly want in your life. It's your saboteur, and we all have them. They are not good or bad. They simply are.

When you know your saboteurs well, they lose their hold over your life so let’s get to it by learning to:

 Identify your saboteur for what it is

• Notice your options in the situations where the saboteur shows up

• Consciously choose the action you want

What you learn in this session, you will take with you and be able to apply whenever “that voice” shows up in your life.


Nia this week…

May I celebrate for a moment?! One of my students came to class last week and announced that since September, she has lost 7 pounds! She credits Nia and other classes at Zen Space. And then she said, "I appreciate you in ways you can’t even imagine.” For those of you hanging around, feeling kind of yucky and needing a shift, a release and a new way of being…COME to the Nia Experience!

This post-Thanksgiving week, we have 5 class times to condition & move your body while releasing your mind, emotion & spirit.Honestly, I have been using Nia these past couple weeks to push away the post-election, early-dark blues. I intentionally offered class on Friday and Saturday to keep in the flow, and you know what? I’m feeling much, much better today!


In the words of Nia Technique Creator, Debbie Rosas, “This sh*t works!”

Dip into Your Dreams

My Lovely Community,

Although I almost never send you two emails in one week, this one I must send! I would like to invite you for a creative, fun and introspective dip into your dreams!

Who will pause with me on Sunday to pursue fulfillment and to ask?

What choices can I make to bring more fulfillment into my life? 

What are my values?

How can I get more of what I want?

On Sunday, we will create a confidential, safe and courageous space in which to grow. Using visualization, journaling and the Wheel of Life tool, we will shine a light on the corners of your life that need the sun and continue on by exploring your values. Honoring your values while making decisions leads to a sense of flow and ease as well as fulfillment. 

Peace Out & Vote

Hey All!

Clocks back. Life full steam ahead! 

When day light savings begins, I like to snuggle into a dream state. For me it is a time of introspection — a looking inward. What better time than now to clarify your purpose, your passion? 

How are you clear in your purpose?



The Nia schedule is fully back on track this week! Word is that the election is bringing great feelings of anxiety and depression to our population. Release all that emotion with Nia & me. As a person who has lived with extreme anxiety for as long as I can remember, there is nothing quite like The Nia Technique to reset and recalibrate my nervous system and my mood. 

The name of the game and the routine this week is JOY. Come all ye, New to Nia — simple steps to follow and delicious Joy Full movement. Condition your Body. Release your mind, emotion and spirit!

And I’ve heard lots of peops talking about not voting. What? It’s our Right and our honor. Please VOTE! 

My Tootsie...Rolls

Hi Everyone! 

I ate a ton of tootsie rolls last night. No, I am not kidding. I did.

And, now, I am ready to work my TOOTSIE off! 

And…I hope you will join me for the Create Your Life Purpose Play / Work Shop Sunday at 6 pm --

I AM the flame that ignites awareness, movement and community. 

This is my current Life Purpose Statement, which guides me in my personal and professional life in all ways. I think of it as a resource as well as a guiding truth that helps me to make decisions and to Feel Alive in My Body, mind, emotion & spirit. 

How can creating your Life Purpose Statement enrich and enliven you? 

Let’s find out! Join me Sunday for an hour and a half of dynamic ease. Explore your life purpose statement through visualization, conversation and introspection…

    Who are you? 

    How do you do what you do? 

    What lights you up?

    How do you light up others?

Step into the world with greater purpose and direction. 

And, if the timing doesn’t work for you; yet, you are interested, let me know as I am planning a midweek series soon.