We Got Game...

Get ready!!! Cuz we got GAME for this Monday Night! Hip Hop Game!

We contacted Say Say to bring Hip Hop to ZenSpace. Who is Say Say? What?! He is none other than Derrick Ladson’s younger brother. Derrick spent years teaching hip hop in Hoboken to children and adults before moving to Puerto Rico. (My daughter, Shai, took classes with him, and he is amazing body, mind, emotion & spirit.) Say Say is just as talented and as lovely a person. I know cuz he has joined Derrick on many occasions to dance with the kids! Say Say is back from working at Walt Disney World and said YES to teaching at ZenSpace! Whoot Whoot!!!

Due to Marisa’s shoulder injury, we asked Say Say to sub on Monday night...


This class infuses dance moves, sports drills, conditioning exercises and high intensity Hip-Hop dance workout. First portion of the class we'll be moving for about 25mins straight, targeting different body parts and some strengths or weaknesses, followed by a 5 minute ab and core strengthening. For the last half hour, the class ends with a small hip-hop routine , a cool down, and a stretch. Think fitness meets Zumba meets Hip-Hop ! Prepare to sweat! 

We wish Marisa a speedy recovery!! And thank her for filling in for me while I am away!


Road Runner...Meep Meep!


One of the greatest gifts the Nia Principles gave me was the awareness of Natural Time. This Principal encourages you to move your body in its own way, in its own time, with individualized and personalized movements that allow you to build proper neural connections. And, when I pause to reflect on my Natural Time, I sense that I am a ROAD RUNNER. Meep! Meep!

From September through June, I’m racing around, getting “stuff” done and on a high-speed ride (for the most part). And, then we hit summer! BOOM. Sudden stop. Kids at home, late nights, later mornings and the routine is completely shifted. I do a little transition dance, which in the beginning doesn’t look too pretty and doesn’t feel so right in my body. And then, I relax into the awareness of the slower pace and my choice to be at peace with the offering to Slow Down. 

How do you sense your Natural Time?

Meep! Meep!


Awareness in Travel

Hellllooooo from Tel Aviv!

I know, I know…You thought I would up and leave and disappear for the summer. Nope. Just doesn’t happen that way for me. Although I step out of teaching you in July and August, every summer, I step into deep reflection and learning. This summer, I have declared my focus to be Awareness with the intention of bringing my Nia practice and philosophy into my everyday life. I have to say that it is a wild ride. So much rich, deep learning and clear understanding. I will share it with you throughout the summer. Look for me on FB with all my shares and here in our weekly email.

I am also spending time everyday learning routines to bring back to all of you. I’ve chosen for my first one an oldie but a goodie: Oshun. It’s a Debbie Rosas routine chock-a-block with martial arts moves set in easy-to-learn and fun combinations. I’ve also identified and woven in some deeper understanding of yoga as I move through the routine. And, I am learning it tight so the easy in my body transfers to yours;) I can’t wait to share it with you! I’m also playing with setting the routine to contemporary music so we will have a lot to work with when I return. I wonder which routine I will choose to learn after Oshun…stay tuned!

And TOMORROW, you all have CLASS! This time, you have Zumba ZenSpace Style. We’re branching out into additional styles of dance and movement. We’ve invited Amanda Eitzen to join the team to sub for Marisa who is subbing for me;) She will teach Zumba with a special focus on keeping it healthy and sustainable for your body. Please register for class, try it out and let us know what you think! 

I hope you are all having a wonderfully warm summer experience. 

Much Love,


Summer Step Out - Learning & Yearning

Hey Community!

Yesterday, I taught my last Nia class before I fly away for two months. Although it is always bittersweet to leave for the summer, I am learning and growing as I step out. I wanted to share some of this learning with you. First of all, I am proud to say that we have such a dedicated and thriving community, I was compelled to hire a sub for my classes. We consolidated the three classes into one for the summer — The Monday Night Dance Party!! “(6:30 - 7:30 pm - at ZenSpace, of course!) More on our Nia and Zumba subs later…

The perspective of Stepping In to my classes in September and Stepping Out of my classes in June enables me to reflect on my teaching and my practice. Step In and Step Out are the 2nd and 7th Cycles of every Nia class experience. When we Step In, we consciously prepare our body, mind, emotion & spirit for the dance leaving all distraction behind. When we Step Out, we consciously close the experience and embrace what comes after. Nia extends far beyond my classroom teaching and dancing and reaches into my life creating a richness and deep fulfillment.

As I Step Out of this year of teaching, I am reflecting on my advances as a teacher, and I am yearning for more. As a teacher and guide, I have learned more ease with transitions and I have improved my knowing of how to move my students more smoothly through movement. I am sensing more deeply as I dance, finding myself less in my head and much, much more in my body. I have added knowledge and new practices to my repertoire, including Nia Move IT, Nia 5 Stages, and all my Coach trainings and certifications, which I weave into my classes through the Focus and Intent (Cycle 1 of the Nia class experience).

As for my yearnings, I have packed up some routines, new and old, with the intent of learning and reviewing over the summer. I intend to dance Nia most days, and my focus is to bring the routines into my body so my mind is free as I teach. As students, you will experience more ease in your movement and transitions between and greater ability to drop into sensation during class. I will also continue to develop a Synergy between Coaching and Movement that I will weave into my Nia and Coaching offerings at ZenSpace in the Fall. More on that as I delve deeper...

Now, may I introduce you to Marisa and Amanda who will join us at ZenSpace this summer!

Marisa Guastella will be stepping in for me this summer on Monday Nights. Former belly dancer turned amazing Nia teacher, I encourage you to dance with Marisa! She has an amazing story and is a beautiful being. 



Check out Marisa’s Bio — 

Born and raised in NY, Marisa Barcia entered into the performing arts at the age of 8, studying for over 30 years, teaching for over 20. She earned her Bachelor's of Science in Performance as a Classical Guitarist from Hofstra University; studying performance with William Zito and music theory under composer Chandler Carter. She settled in NJ in 1999, where she resides today with her 2 children. After having children and needing to lose 110 pounds, her focus on movement and fitness brought her to her love of dance. Marisa claims dance was the next logical progression of her journey in the arts. With her musical background and analytical nature, she was taken by the study of movement in her body and new found level of fitness. She studied Bellydance with Chadia of the Gypsy Caravan Dancers and is a certified Sharqui Bellydance Instructor through Oreet Jahassi. She found Nia, "by accident," and knew right away she found a personal practice that connected her mind, body, emotions and spirit. She feels the practice brings out her essence through the 52 moves and music. She traveled to Texas to obtain her white belt in July of 2016 and was quick to share the practice instructing her own Nia classes. Marisa is involved in the Nia NJ Community, continued to the teacher training of Moving to Heal with Nia Creator, Debbie Rosas in Baltimore, MD. Once she stepped into Nia, she hasn't looked back. While busy as a program and marketing director at a YMCA, Barcia also teaches private guitar and flute lessons and enjoys writing. Marisa sees her creative side as the channel for her love of the art of practice itself. She says, "the dojo can be the dance floor, a conversation, or a daily chore; it's the quality of living that I am always practicing. Is it authentic, purposeful and joyful? These are my ingredients to a life well lived."


And please welcome Amanda Eitzen, Zumba Teacher, for the Dance Party on July 10th! Yes, that’s right! We are introducing a ZenSpace-Inspired form of Zumba and it is debuting on July 10. Amanda will bring us Zumba with a focus on healthy, sustainable movement. Her classes will include an introduction to the moves so you know what’s coming and you will be able to dance without injury.

Check out Amanda’s Bio — 

Amanda has been dancing since before she could walk! Growing up she took classes in ballet, tap and jazz and eventually became an assistant dance teacher during her high school years. She fed her hunger for dance in college with aerobics and hip-hop classes (and of course the occasional dance club!) While attending graduate school and working full-time, Zumba was her getaway and stress reliever, and she was glad to be taught by some truly amazing instructors over those 3 years. In 2013, after finishing graduate school, and at the encouragement of her instructors, Amanda became certified in Zumba. She was fortunate to teach at Branchburg Sports Complex in Branchburg, NJ where she had attended classes. After moving to Hoboken for full-time work, Amanda began teaching Zumba at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2015 and is pleased to be able to continue to share her love of Zumba and dance with others!


And finally, I would like to say a special thank you to ZenSpace Owner, Kristen Mangione, and our new ZenSpace Business and Membership Director, Voula Papadopoulos. ZenSpace has grown this year and is poised for even more growth. I am proud to work with these wonderful people who are dedicated to transforming lives one person at a time, one body at a time. The Nia Technique has a home in Hoboken at ZenSpace and I am so grateful each time I step in to the studio.


Have a wonderful summer, friends. Wear sun screen, laugh lots, play everyday, jump into the water and most definitely, dance barefoot,


Celebrate Nia's Worldwide Reach!

My Peops!!

Throw your hands up and say YES!


TONIGHT!!! 6 pm at ZenSpace! 

Uta Altmann and I are giving a kickin’ class. My European Nia Sister is gonna be in da house! We’ve been “belting" together since 2011!! She is one of those women who impressed me with her energy and kindness from the moment I met her and continues to do so every time I have the Joy of meeting up with her:)

Come to celebrate the beautiful practice of Nia that brings people from all over the world together.

Say YES!



Special Schedule & Nia Move It

Hi Peoples;)

First, let me begin with a hearty congratulations to Kristen Mangione of Zen Space and all of her performers for a rich and beautiful interdisciplinary dance performance this weekend. The dance troupe in residence at Zen Space had a most wonderful unveiling at Miles Square Theater. Bravo!

I am leaving for Dublin on Tuesday!!! My schedule the upcoming week is a mix & match so please take note:

Monday, May 1, 6 - 7 pm

Friday, May 5 - No Class

Saturday, May 6 - No Class

Monday, May 8 - 6 - 7 pm (I’m coming straight from the airport to dance with all of you!!)

During the next number of weeks, we are going to be going on a Move IT journey. I’m preparing to submit my video to advance from a Nia Move IT teaching apprentice to a fully certified Move IT teacher. Last week, I was coached by the Master Trainer, Kelle Rae Oien. As a result, I gave a kickin’ class on Saturday! I can’t wait to share all of what I learned with all of you. As we near the summer, let’s up our Nia game and cardiovascular health with these super fun, interval dance/movement classes. 

I’ll set the challenge for myself that we will tape a part of the class on Monday evening on July 19. (FYI — This tape only gets shared with Nia Headquarters and not on any kind of social media.)

Finally, if you want to meet the co-creator of Nia, Debbie Rosas, and experience a full-day Festival of Nia and all it’s fabulous forms, sign up now!! I am driving to Summit and have room in my car. Viv and Ali are already signed up!! Come with us. See the flyer below for the details and registration link.


See you all tomorrow night!


Dancing Through Life!

Whoot, Whoot!

Woke up this morning and the sun is shining! I am feeling it!!

Today, I am preparing for the first of two Passover Dinners. Tonight, we bring creativity to our Seder by depicting all the plagues and the items on the seder plate in candy! It’s bright and colorful and my kids get totally involved in preparing the table. I’ll post a few pictures on FB if you feel like checking it out. This does mean that there will be NO class tonight:( What I suggest is to step outside into this glorious day and take a walk, which I will do later when I make my way over to the supermarket for some last minute items. 

Okay, lots to report here so…PLEASE check these dates! 


Meet Marisa, your Monday night sub for the summer! She is an amazing Nia teacher with some slick belly dance moves. She’s coming this Friday morning to check out the space and co-teach with me. Yes, I will be there and we will be teaching the new routine — DRAGON — COME!!

MONTHLY OUTING - April 28 - JOIN US! Dance Performance and Dinner/Drinks Post

A bunch of us are going to the first dance performance of the new Dance Company in residence at ZenSpace. This is the culmination of Founder & Director Kristen Mangione’s passion for dance, practice and community all coming together. Significant others are welcome encouraged to come! Please let me know if you plan on joining us. I will reserve space at a local place post performance to hang out together! Purchase tickets here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/main_enroll.asp?studioid=189989&tg=&vt=13&lvl=&stype=-8&view=week&trn=3&page=&catid=&prodid=&date=04%2f28%2f17&classid=0&prodGroupId=&sSU=&optForwardingLink=&qParam=&justloggedin=&nLgIn=&pMode=0&loc=1


Debbie Rosas is coming to New Jersey to offer a Festival of Nia on June 4th. I am driving!! Who is coming with?! We need to register now! My car fits 7 so let me know. Debbie is a somatic expert. She really is NOT TO BE MISSED. TO REGISTER: https://nianow.com/node/1142358


I wish all of you wonderful Holiday celebrations, whatever that holiday may be! And, if you don’t celebrate these particular ones, then celebrate yourself!!

