Dip into Your Dreams

My Lovely Community,

Although I almost never send you two emails in one week, this one I must send! I would like to invite you for a creative, fun and introspective dip into your dreams!

Who will pause with me on Sunday to pursue fulfillment and to ask?

What choices can I make to bring more fulfillment into my life? 

What are my values?

How can I get more of what I want?

On Sunday, we will create a confidential, safe and courageous space in which to grow. Using visualization, journaling and the Wheel of Life tool, we will shine a light on the corners of your life that need the sun and continue on by exploring your values. Honoring your values while making decisions leads to a sense of flow and ease as well as fulfillment. 

Peace Out & Vote

Hey All!

Clocks back. Life full steam ahead! 

When day light savings begins, I like to snuggle into a dream state. For me it is a time of introspection — a looking inward. What better time than now to clarify your purpose, your passion? 

How are you clear in your purpose?



The Nia schedule is fully back on track this week! Word is that the election is bringing great feelings of anxiety and depression to our population. Release all that emotion with Nia & me. As a person who has lived with extreme anxiety for as long as I can remember, there is nothing quite like The Nia Technique to reset and recalibrate my nervous system and my mood. 

The name of the game and the routine this week is JOY. Come all ye, New to Nia — simple steps to follow and delicious Joy Full movement. Condition your Body. Release your mind, emotion and spirit!

And I’ve heard lots of peops talking about not voting. What? It’s our Right and our honor. Please VOTE! 

My Tootsie...Rolls

Hi Everyone! 

I ate a ton of tootsie rolls last night. No, I am not kidding. I did.

And, now, I am ready to work my TOOTSIE off! 

And…I hope you will join me for the Create Your Life Purpose Play / Work Shop Sunday at 6 pm --

I AM the flame that ignites awareness, movement and community. 

This is my current Life Purpose Statement, which guides me in my personal and professional life in all ways. I think of it as a resource as well as a guiding truth that helps me to make decisions and to Feel Alive in My Body, mind, emotion & spirit. 

How can creating your Life Purpose Statement enrich and enliven you? 

Let’s find out! Join me Sunday for an hour and a half of dynamic ease. Explore your life purpose statement through visualization, conversation and introspection…

    Who are you? 

    How do you do what you do? 

    What lights you up?

    How do you light up others?

Step into the world with greater purpose and direction. 

And, if the timing doesn’t work for you; yet, you are interested, let me know as I am planning a midweek series soon.


Steep Hills

Hey There,

Just back from apple picking. It was super crowded and super fun. And I am super grateful that Nia keeps me strong and fit. To get to the apples that were still left on the trees, we had to walk up a long and steep hill. So many people were huffing, puffing and upset about the climb. I was in Joy — carrying one of the bags of apples and bopping along with the kids. 

Want to experience some of that JOY

The Come Back

Hi, Former Nia Dancer!

You have attended at least one of my Nia classes…and I would love to have you dance more. 

In my last Nia class, We moved. We sweat. We laughed. We played. We celebrated one of our students who got married yesterday! We stepped out feeling really, really good!

I know it’s not always easy to make yourself and your body a priority. An hour of Nia is worth your time. Your body, mind, emotion & spirit will thank you! I know that mine does!

This week, I am starting a full line up of classes. The first class is at Celebrate Life Studio!!!

I hope to see you all TOMORROW. If you have any questions about Classic Nia vs. Nia Move IT — let me know. [Basic difference is that the focus in Nia Move IT is specifically on conditioning (aerobic, anaerobic, voluntary, reflexive) and Classic Nia weaves conditioning into a more fluid dance of movements. The 52 basic moves of Nia are incorporated into both and the language is the same. And, you always listen to your body and do the class at your level.]

And…for those of you who are looking for a shift in life, step into an hour of coaching with me. Sample session free with absolutely no commitment to continuing on. I do this cuz I love coaching and I believe in the possibility of living a life feeling alive in your body, mind, emotion & spirit. My hubby actually had a sample session with a coach in May, and it changed everything for him as he moves into his new career creation. 

Move in Peace.

Nia Nation

Nia Nation…

Honestly, that is how I am feeling after this past week of Nia! I feel as if there is a zesty community coming together and it feels awesome!

On Wednesday eve, I offered a free class at Elysian Park through Celebrate Life Studios and it was packed with Nia newbies!! What an absolute blast to share this amazing technique and see people smile & laugh!!

I am so excited for this month of classes with classic Nia and Move IT on “the schedule.” I honestly have seen big changes in my muscle tone over the past year from all the classes I’ve been teaching. I feel strong and that is such a plus. I want to share this with you.

Listen to the BUZZ

Hey All!

I want you all to know that we have built the most amazing, growing, wonderful community this year in Hoboken and the surrounding towns. I feel it! I sense it in my bones and all 13 joints. Nia is being requested in different venues. I get stopped on the street to answer questions from curious potential students who have heard the BUZZ. And that Buzz comes from all of you! When you share your experiences of Nia, we spread the word of conditioning and healing with pleasure. Thank you!!!


Coming in September…be on the lookout for increased offerings at Zen Space, including Move IT, Nia’s painfree, super energizing and self-conditioning interval training. We will have the usual Wednesday and Friday classic Nia classes plus an additional two Move IT classes on Wednesdays at noon and Saturdays at 9 am!!

Pulsing Nia Your Body's Way

Hellllllloooooo, Nia community!

I just got off the plane a few hours ago, and I am so ready to jump right back into my schedule. I hope you are ready to jump in with me!

By the way, Nia Technique Headquarters has been working on some wonderful, clarifying descriptions of Nia and how it is beneficial to you and me. Here’s a first tidbit:

"We guide people to move The Body’s WayTM following the inherent design and function of the body.

One of the most exciting aspects of Nia movement is the relationship it has to the design and function of the body. We take great pride guiding people to optimize the potential of their body by teaching them to follow and read the map of The Body's Way. When people move naturally, they feel and look better. This results in a better quality of life." 

More to come in future mails, through classes and of course, through movement. I am completely jet lagged and yet, invigorated by my time away, and as always, ready to dance. 

A new routine is on the table…Come PULSE with me!

The Fairy Godmother of Exercise

My Nia Peops! 

Yah, you!! It’s been an incredibly exciting week here at Feel Alive in Your Body

Here is just one highlight:

After Friday night’s Bollywood Nia Party at Celebrate Life Studios, one of the participants told me that I am the “fairy godmother of exercise.” She said that she is thrilled to finally find a fun way to condition her body and that she will see me at Zen Space Studios next Wednesday. Another person said that she cried during class as she realized that she can dance again without hurting herself for the first time since an injury in a "dance/exercise class that shall not be named." Go, Nia!

On Friday afternoon, I leave for a very special Nia teacher training just outside of Houston. I will spend the week with Nia trainer, Helen Terry, and a small group of Brown and Black Belt teachers reviewing our first three belts and receiving feedback on my teaching. Stepping out of my comfort zone and into the unknown…


I want to offer a little glimpse into my experience so that you don’t brush off the instinct to play and the pull to go a little deeper. I went into my White Belt training on a whim with no intention of ever teaching. Eight years later, I am a Black Belt teacher with honesty and energy that blows my mind and humbles me each time I step in front of a group of students. 

What many of you do not know is that I completely changed my life after attending my White Belt training. I had lived in the US with my Israeli husband for 18 years completely in fear of “moving back to Israel," and suddenly, I had the courage to say, “Yes, David, it’s your time to go home." It was a brave choice that completely changed my life. When I arrived in Israel, Nia gave me a community of amazing Israeli women to call my own. As well, Nia has given me an awareness in my life -- of my body, mind, emotion and spirit -- that has me feeling alive every single day. 

I also want you to know that Winalee and Caroline are two of the most knowledgable and lovable of all the Nia trainers. They inspire and lead with joy and a gentle hand. I so highly recommend them! If you have any questions, I am happy to share. 

Have a wonderful week. COME TO CLASS. And, keep dancing through life!

Transformational Movement

Hey All…

Writing this with the Super Bowl Kickoff Show in the background. Football’s not really my thing, yet, I’m somehow drawn in to this event that everyone else is watching. And the commercials…have to say that they are worth checking out. 

Enough with that! Let’s talk about transformational movement: yours & mine made possible by Nia!

It has been a stellar week for Feel Alive in Your Body. Full classes, amazing response, good feeling all around! Thank you to all of you who are a part of our growing Nia community.